Ezekiel Part 1: God in Exile

by | Jun 30, 2024 | Voices of Revelation: The Major and Minor Prophets

Sermon: Ezekiel (Part 1), God in Exile

Apocalyptic Texts:

  1. They address both present circumstances and the future. 
  2. They are filled with symbols and imagery.
  3. Avoid overanalyzing every little detail of the symbols. Focus on the main message. 
  4. Interpret apocalyptic texts in light of the teaching of the rest of the Bible. (Clear interprets unclear.)
  5. Their purpose is to encourage suffering believers and affirm God’s ultimate victory.
  6. Don’t always force elaborate end-times schemes onto the text since the focus is God’s justice and final triumph. 
  7. Remember, the goal is to discern the core theological truth being conveyed by the image, so as to avoid unwarranted speculation or overly literalistic readings.

Main Point: Ezekiel’s vision of God leaving His Temple should both encourage and challenge us to truly trust and live for our Lord.

I. Ezekiel Sees God in Exile – ch. 1. 

II. Ezekiel Sees Why God is in Exile – ch. 10 -11. 

See Ezekiel 8:6, 11:22-23


1.We should respond like Ezekiel to the glory of God. 

See Hebrews 12:28-29

2) We should take God’s warning about idolatry seriously.

3) We should not be jealous of Ezekiel’s vision. 

See 2 Corinthians 3:18

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