Jonah: Grace on Mission

A Honest Prophet

In this sermon Kevin Kelley finishes our study in the book of Jonah. We see the book end with Jonah stewing over the fact that God had mercy on the Ninevites and did not destroy them. In this text we are reminded of God's mercy for both an imperfect, undeserving...

Does God Change His Mind?

God has sent His prophet to Nineveh with a message of judgment, "40 days and Nineveh will be overthrown." But when the people of Nineveh hear this message they repent. So, God does not bring the destruction on Nineveh that He had declared through Jonah. Did God change...

A City Transformed By a Simple Message

Jonah reluctantly goes to the great city of Nineveh with a simple message and God radically transforms the city, from the least of them to the greatest! How might this transform our thinking about the mission that Jesus has given us? Listen in and be both challenged...

Jonah’s Second Chance

In this sermon we see Jonah delivered from the belly of the fish and recommissioned by God to go and preach to Nineveh. He gets a second chance at the mission. God is a God of second, third, fourth ... chances! Maybe you think you have blown it and are no longer...

Jonah’s Prayer – Part 2

Listen in to part two as Kevin Kelley explains and applies "Jonah 2:1-10" . "Salvation belongs to the Lord." This sermon will encourage you as you seek to walk by faith and not by sight.

Jonah’s Prayer – Part 1

Jonah's rebellion has led him into a dark, uncomfortable trial - the belly of the great fish. He has finally been humbled enough to begin to talk to God again. What can we learn from Jonah's prayer? Listen in as Kevin Kelley explains and applies this text over the...

Stormy Mercy

Read "Jonah 1:1-17" and listen in as we discuss God's mercy to Jonah, the mariners, and ourselves. Often God's mercy does not look like what we expect. How do you interpret the storms of this life? Are you able to see them as God's mercies in disguise? How does the...

Running From the Mission

This is the first sermon in our new series in the book of Jonah. We focused on "Jonah 1:1-3" and discussed Jonah's flight from the presence of God and what that means for us. Listen in as we introduce the new series and get started in the first three verses of this...

New Series Starts This Sunday

New Series Starts This Sunday

Join us this Sunday as we start our new series in the book of Jonah. This promises to be a fruitful study for all ages. The title will be Grace on Mission, in keeping with our Fall theme of Life on Mission. We hope to see you this Sunday!  

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