Sermon Archive

Jeremiah Part 2: A New Heart

Jeremiah Part 2: A New Heart

Sermon: Jeremiah 31:31-34, A New Heart Main Point: God promised a new and different kind of covenant, one that works front he inside out.  I. God promised a New Covenant that is not like the old one 31:31-32.  See Deuteronomy 10:16; Jeremiah 7:23; Jeremiah...

Jeremiah Part 1: Change Your Ways

Jeremiah Part 1: Change Your Ways

Sermon: Jeremiah 7:1-15, Change Your Ways Main Point: Repent and treat God as holy by joyfully walking in His commandments. I. What was the root issue in Jeremiah’s day?  See Exodus 19:5 II. What was the situation in Jeremiah’s Day?  See Jeremiah 7:30 III....

Isaiah Part 2: Your Kingdom Come

Isaiah Part 2: Your Kingdom Come

Sermon: Isaiah Part 2: Your Kingdom Come Main Point: God’s kingdom is found in His Son, the Messiah, and is for all nations. I. God’s Kingdom Comes Through the Messiah.  See Isaiah 53:5-6; 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 II. God’s Kingdom Comes To All the Nations.  See...

Isaiah Part 1: A Burning Stump

Isaiah Part 1: A Burning Stump

Sermon: Isaiah Part 1: A Burning Stump & A Holy Seed Main Point: Only a repentant faith delivers from judgment. I. Who was Isaiah?  II. When and where did he prophesy? III. What was his message? See also Isaiah 6:8-13, 12:2, 1:18  Application 1) Pray for...

The Prophets: Speaking God’s Word

The Prophets: Speaking God’s Word

Sermon: Hebrews 1:1, Speaking God’s Word Main Point: The Old Testament Prophets were men called by God to speak His Word to His people and hold them accountable to His covenant.  I. What was a prophet? II. What was the standard for a prophet?  See also...

The Glory of Grace

The Glory of Grace

Sermon: Romans 16:25-27, The Glory of Grace Main Point: Be strengthened to give God the glory for His grace in saving a people who glorify Jesus by their growing obedience. I. Be strengthened to give glory to God by His grace - chs 1 - 8.  See Romans 3:20,...

Saved to Serve

Saved to Serve

Sermon: Romans 16:21-23, Saved to Serve Main Point: We are called to follow Jesus in a life of self-sacrificial service to His church. I. Servant #1 = Timothy - v. 21.  See Philippians 2:19-23 II. Servant #2 = Tertius - v. 22.  III. Servant #3 = Gaius - v....

Learning From Eden

Learning From Eden

Sermon: Romans 16:19-20, Learning from Eden Main Point: Be encouraged by God’s promise of full deliverance and press into your obedience to Christ by being wise regarding good and innocent regarding evil. I. Obedience Restored - v. 19a. II. Good and Evil Refocused -...

Smooth Talk & Flattery

Smooth Talk & Flattery

Sermon: Romans 16:17-18, Smooth Talk & Flattery Main Point: Continually identify and avoid false teachers! I. False teachers are out there, so Identify them - 16:17a. II. False teachers are out there, so Avoid them - 16:17b-18.  See also 2 Corinthians...

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