
The Savior’s Birth

The Savior’s Birth

This year's Christmas message was preached by Kevin Kelley. Listen in as he explains that Jesus was Savior, Christ, and Lord at his birth. "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in...

Jesus and the Kings

Jesus and the Kings

Read "Psalm 2" and listen in as we end our series with a sermon showing that all of the Old Testament kings point us forward to the true and greater King, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is on the throne and is reigning for His people ( "Ephesians 1:19-23" )....

Jesus at Creation

Jesus at Creation

In this sermon we compare the beginning of John's gospel ( "John 1:1-3" ) to "Genesis 1:1" and see that John intends to allude back to Genesis 1 to show that Jesus is the Creator. We also bring in other Scriptures like "Colossians 1:15-20" and "Hebrews 1:1-3" to make...

Follow Me

John finishes his gospel with an encounter between Jesus and Peter. In this text Jesus tells Peter that he will die for his commitment to the gospel. Jesus predicts Peter's death and says to Peter, "Follow Me." In this sermon we conclude our series in John and focus...

He Is Risen!

In this sermon we look at the necessity of the resurrection and some of its implications. Read the passage here: "John 20:1-10"

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