
Walking in the Light

What does the Bible mean by "walking in the light"? What is the nature of true spiritual enlightenment? Who are we and what is our purpose now that we are trusting in Jesus Christ? These are a few of the questions we take on as we work through "Ephesians 5:6-14" .

The Transforming Power of Gratitude

In this sermon we focus on "Ephesians 5:3-5" and we see an unexpected antidote to sexual immorality. Jesus commands us to walk in love by replacing impurity with gratitude.

Pleasing the Holy Spirit

Can believers, as imperfect, weak, and needy as we are, please God by the way we live? Can we grieve God by the way we live? Listen in as we seek to unravel what it means to please the Holy Spirit from "Ephesians 4:30-5:2" .

Transformed Talkers

Our speech can be a weapon of mass destruction or an instrument of gospel healing. In this sermon we look into "Ephesians 4:29" and see that Jesus commands His followers to use their words to build up those around them. We are to speak grace.

Transformed Takers

Are you a taker or a giver? The biblical answer for the one believing in Jesus is yes, both. But hopefully we are growing more and more into a giver like Jesus. From "Ephesians 4:28" we see that the gospel transforms us from takers into givers.

Angry Like Jesus

Are you angry? Should you be angry? What is righteous anger? In "Ephesians 4:26-27" we see that God commands us to be always angry like Jesus.

Speaking the Truth

What is truth? What does it mean to speak the truth? Read "Ephesians 4:25" and join us as we show that Jesus calls His people to grow in putting off falsehood and speaking the truth.

Owning Your New Identity

In this sermon we look into "Ephesians 4:17-24" to learn how to own our new identity in Jesus Christ. If we are to live the life Jesus calls us to live, we must understand and own the fact that we are new!

Growing Up In Christ

How do we grow up to maturity as followers of Jesus? What does a mature church look like? Read "Ephesians 4:1-16" and join us as we focus on verses 12-16.

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