
Fighting for the Gospel

Fighting for the Gospel

If the gospel is to be preserved, we must be willing to fight for it. In Acts 15:1-5 we see the beginnings of a fight for the gospel.

Leaving Idolatry

Leaving Idolatry

God’s goodness is manifest in every good gift, and His good gifts should lead us to repentance from all idolatry.

Gospel Division

Gospel Division

Read Acts 14:1-7 and listen in as we see that we must make peace with division if we are to be effective in gospel witness.

Sovereignty & Mission

Sovereignty & Mission

God’s sovereignty over salvation gives us great confidence for mission! Listen in as we look into Luke's statement in Acts 13:48, "as many as were appointed to eternal life believed."

Evidence That Demands a Verdict

Evidence That Demands a Verdict

In Acts 13 we see an example of the way Paul preached the gospel in the synagogues. He presents Jesus as the long awaited Messiah who brings salvation to His people. Read Acts 13:13-41 and listen in as Corey Riggs highlights the evidence Paul used to prove his case...

Eaten By Worms

Eaten By Worms

Trust Christ as King. He always restrains and conquers wicked rulers so that His gospel continues to spread and thrive!

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