Sermon Archive

The Gospel of God

The Gospel of God

Romans 1:1-7, Jeff Duncan Embrace this gospel because it has an unlikely author, an ancient foundation, an undeniable proof, and a glorious purpose.

Worship in Spirit

Worship in Spirit

John 4:16-26, Jeff Duncan Let us worship God in spirit by offering well-ordered worship from reverent hearts that are in awe of God and depending on the Holy Spirit.

A Clear and Present Danger

A Clear and Present Danger

Jude 12-19, Corey Riggs Apostates are a clear and present danger. Therefore, treat their threat with the utmost seriousness.

Worship in Truth

Worship in Truth

John 4:1-26 Jeff Duncan True worship is worship that is God-centered and Word-shaped. Let us offer this kind of worship to God.

Death By Worship

Death By Worship

Leviticus 10:1-3, Jeff Duncan Because God is Holy, we should take great care to approach Him the way He has instructed us in His Word.

Our Highest Priority

Our Highest Priority

Matthew 22:37, Jeff Duncan Our highest priority is to love God and worship Him His way.

Trust and Obey

Trust and Obey

Ecc 12:9-14, Jeff Duncan Trust and obey, for there is no other way to be in Jesus than to trust and obey.

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