Jeff Duncan

The Just & The Justifier

The Just & The Justifier

Romans 3:21-24 Jeff Duncan Trust Jesus alone because in Him wrath has been suffered so that God’s justice has been satisfied!

Every Mouth Stopped

Every Mouth Stopped

Romans 3:19-20, Jeff Duncan Hush and hope in Christ, because no one can be justified by keeping God’s Law.

No Fear

No Fear

Romans 3:13-18, Jeff Duncan Mankind’s fundamental problem is a failure to fear God which results in wicked words and deeds. (Sin is primarily a heart problem.)

The Justification of God

The Justification of God

Romans 3:1-8, Jeff Duncan Take sin seriously because God is both faithful and righteous in judgment.

Law Without Life

Law Without Life

Romans 2:25-29, Jeff Duncan Beware of trusting in the sign of the covenant without having the internal reality of the covenant.

A Righteous Standard

A Righteous Standard

Romans 2:1-16 Jeff Duncan God judges by His own perfect standard, His Law, and all have access to it!

The Righteous Judgment of God

The Righteous Judgment of God

Romans 2:6-11, Jeff Duncan Prepare for judgment by embracing God’s perfect standard of righteousness and His just punishment of the wicked.

Given Over, Pt 2

Given Over, Pt 2

Romans 1:28-32, Jeff Duncan Guard your heart in reference to God, sin, and companionship.

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