
The Blessed Life

The Blessed Life

Romans 4:6-8, Jeff Duncan The blessed life is having Christ’s righteousness imputed to us and our sin imputed to Him!

Why the Cross?

Why the Cross?

Why was it necessary for Jesus to die on the cross? In this sermon from 1 Cor 11:26 we see that Jesus had to die on the cross to fulfill God’s eternal plan to save His people from their sins.

Jesus and the Tabernacle

Jesus and the Tabernacle

In this sermon we take a quick look at the tabernacle in Exodus.  Listen and see how the gate, bronze altar, laver, lampstand, table of bread, altar of incense, curtain ... all point us clearly to Jesus and the salvation we have in Him. Jesus is the true and greater...

It Is Finished

We focus in on what Jesus means by, "It is finished." Ho do we enter in to the rest He has purchased for us? Read the passage here: "John 19:28-42"

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